Greetings, I'm Eladio, a motivated Software & DevOps Engineer with a Kubernetes Application Developer Certification (CKAD) and three certifications on Amazon Web Services.
I am deeply passionate about technology and I find joy in learning through problem-solving, especially at a technical level. Over the years, I have gained valuable industry-level programming experience and honed my skills in planning, collaborating, implementing, and testing software applications, from the planning stage to production and maintenance.
In addition to my expertise in software programming, I possess a deep interest and proficiency in cloud engineering, particularly in Amazon Web Services (AWS). I have extensive experience in architecting, testing, and deployment automation on the AWS platform.
Furthermore, I continually explore intriguing ideas, conduct experiments, and engage in personal studies to enhance my knowledge and expertise.
Netlabs Australia Pty Ltd.
Computer Support and Services
Go/Golang, TypeScript, Node.js, PostgreSQL, AWS, AWS SDK, Cognito, Lambda, API Gateway, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD
Calvin Newstead, Upwork
Computer Services / eCommerce / CRM
Vultr, Linux, BASH, SSL, Let's encrypt, Apache, Nginx, AWS S3, FreePBX, Golang
Ildar Samit, Upwork
Computer Services
Python, FastAPI, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), GCP Object Storage
Computer Services
Linux, Gitlab, Gitlab CI/CD Pipelines, Node.js, Next.js, Docker
Healthcare / Medical Technology Company (MedTech)
As a member of a DevOps team for a healthcare company based in Stockholm, Sweden, I was tasked with designing and implementing an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) solution to automate a vast cloud infrastructure on Amazon Web Services (AWS) utilizing Terraform. With a focus on security, the solution was designed to secure sensitive data such as Protected Health Information (PHI) and enforce a Zero-Trust principle while maintaining overall performance.
To ensure scalability and high-availability, a microservices architecture was implemented using Kubernetes to cluster applications. In addition, for secure deployment, we utilized pull-based ArgoCD to deploy applications in Kubernetes.
To achieve traceability and observability, the solution employed Grafana with CloudWatch, Loki, and Prometheus backends to create interactive visualization and dashboards, providing valuable insights into the system's overall health and performance. Through this approach, we were able to streamline the infrastructure's management, reduce downtime, and increase system efficiency.
Terraform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kubernetes, Docker, ArgoCD, GitHub, Grafana
Healthcare / Medical Technology Company (MedTech)
During my tenure with a healthcare client based in Sweden, I successfully implemented a sophisticated backend web application capable of processing millions of medical data points from various hospitals. This data was then used as input parameters for a Machine Learning algorithm to predict and diagnose diseases accurately.
To achieve these objectives, the application was built utilizing advanced technologies, including Python Programming Language, FastAPI Python-based Web Framework, and PostgreSQL for data persistence, leveraging its advanced querying capabilities. A microservices architecture was also employed, enabling parallel processing and ensuring that the system could handle the vast amounts of data efficiently.
In addition to designing and implementing the application, I was also responsible for managing the services and deployments in a Kubernetes cluster production environment. Through my contributions, the client was able to streamline its operations and enhance overall performance.
I collaborated to revise their requirements and implemented them as a full-stack web application that displays patient medical information. The project was built using ReactJS, TypeScript, Python Programming Language, FastAPI Web framework, PostgreSQL, and advanced SQL queries.
To ensure smooth progress and maintain open communication channels, I participated in weekly meetings with the client for updates and planning discussions. Through this approach, we were able to ensure that the application met their unique needs while delivering optimal performance.
Python, FastAPI, PostgreSQL, TimescaleDB, Docker, Kubernetes, ReactJS, TypeScript
eCommerce / Platform
As a member of a development team for a Filipino-owned multi-platform project, I was tasked with implementing advanced and efficient SQL queries. Working collaboratively with the team, we sought to meet all client requirements while focusing on developing efficient large SQL queries that could effectively serve both frontend and mobile platforms.
To achieve this goal, we utilized C# and Entity Framework on top of .NET Core 5, ReactJS for the UI, and PostgreSQL for data persistence. Through our combined efforts, we successfully delivered a high-performance system capable of meeting the needs of our client and providing end-users with a seamless and intuitive experience.
C#, .NET Core 5, Entity Framework, Docker, Kubernetes, ReactJS, TypeScript, PostgreSQL
Online Survey
My task was to clone and modify a statistics and data-gathering web application for a client based in Stockholm, Sweden. The project involved a series of complex requirements that demanded a high level of technical expertise and attention to detail.
Firstly, I accessed the production monolith server hosting the web application and made a copy of it. Next, I provisioned a new production Linux server and installed and configured appropriate software such as Nginx and network firewall.
To streamline the development process and ensure seamless deployment, I configured a robust CI/CD pipeline on BitBucket, effectively separating the environments for testing and production while automating the deployment process. This approach enabled me to maximize development time while delivering an efficient and reliable solution.
Finally, I modified the web application according to the client's specific needs, ensuring that the final product met all requirements and delivered optimal performance.
Python, Django, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Docker, BitBucket, CI/CD, Nginx, Linux
Internet of Things (IoT) / Energy Company
I implemented solutions for an Energy company in Sweden for two projects. The first involved collaborating with a large team to develop Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for Android and iOS smartphones to control lighting devices using Kotlin Programming Language, Facebook Litho for the User Interface, SQLite for data persistence, Bluetooth 5.0, and Mesh network topology for the device communication.
The second project involved developing a frontend web application to display and monitor energy, wall battery, and device status and usage using AngularJS for the UI, NodeJS, and ExpressJS.
Android, Kotlin, JAVA, Bluetooth 5.0, Bluetooth Mesh, SQLite, Node.js, Angular.js, Express.js
I was responsible for developing and deploying Android applications for a Filipino-owned multi-platform project aimed at digitalizing the school system. The project aimed to improve communication between students, teachers, guardians, and schools by tracking activities, logins/logouts, and subjects.
To ensure native functionality, I delved deep into the Android ecosystem and gained a thorough understanding of its core concepts. The project was built collaboratively using PHP and Laravel Framework for the backend, MySQL for data persistence (web), Realm NoSQL database (mobile), and JAVA for Android development.
JAVA, Android, Realm NoSQL database, PHP, Laravel, MySQL
I worked for a client from the United States for weekly tasks to refactor their legacy web application to support modern browsers and different screen sizes as it was built for desktop screens only. The project heavily involved User Interface modifications that utilize HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery technologies.
I also participated in an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project for a large oil company to create database triggers and an API for version management for the mobile app. During this period, I also developed several prototypes of a mobile application for the client built with Xamarin and .NET Framework.
HTML/CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, .NET Framework, C#, Xamarin, MS SQL Server
I assisted the call center agents with technical problems on their designated computers. The problems were mostly about peripheral and network troubleshooting. Our goal is to achieve less-to-zero call downtime of the agents to maintain service quality and meet client needs. We had a routine team meeting with the seniors every before the shift started to discuss game plans and address problems.
Computer Networking and Troubleshooting, Windows OS
A Google Chrome extension that let users add comments on any website based on URLs. The project is a full-stack, being the extension built with ReactJS, a JavaScript UI framework. A backend built with Go language and Gin web framework, and PostgreSQL as database.
The application is deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS) having the entire infrastructure automated using Terraform. The infrastructure is designed to be scalable and highly available by making use of Kubernetes (uses K3s) and AWS Load Balancer without exceeding AWS’ free tier.
It uses AWS Certificate Manager to manage TLS certificates and to eliminate the burden of manual renewal.
Stack: Golang, ReactJS, PostgreSQL, AWS, Terraform, Kubernetes
An open-source cloud storage application built on top of AWS infrastructure primarily designed for smartphones. The web application is 100% serverless and highly available by leveraging the AWS services such as S3 for object storage, CloudFront for CDN, Cognito for user auth, ACM for managing digital certificates, and DynamoDB for proprietary NoSQL database, and Lambda for serverless computing, etc.
Stack: ReactJS, AWS S3, AWS CloudFront, AWS Cognito, AWS DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, AWS CM
A single-node prototype blockchain that illustrates the concepts and fundamentals of a decentralized system. Built with NodeJS, TypeScript, and cryptography libraries. Open-source and lightweight.
Stack: NodeJS, ExpresJS, JavaScript, ReactJS, TypeScript, Cryptography
Issuer: Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) / The Linux Foundation
Date Issued: December 25, 2022
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Issuer: Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Date Issued: April 08, 2022
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Issuer: Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Date Issued: February 26, 2022
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Issuer: Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Date Issued: January 18, 2022
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Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +63-9760-324-394 (PH)
Github: @dev-sareno
StackOverflow: @dev-sareno